SWL F-14368 Frank

I am SWL 14368 Frank near Paris FRANCE. This blog if for my listening of AM radio on SW and MW, amateur radio bands and 11 meter in SSB mode. I write few articles for SWL of AM radios ( equipment, etc ) This is my blog number 3. Thank you. 73 and good DX
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Why DX on 11 meter is still as popular in 2024 ?. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Why DX on 11 meter is still as popular in 2024 ?. Afficher tous les articles

lundi 15 juillet 2024

Why DX on 11 meter (27 MHz) is it still as popular in 2024?

 Il you have a radio receiver with SSB (single side band) on 11 meter you can listen some peoples who make contacts together

This is not amateur radio operators who are on 28 MHz (10 meter) This radio operators are pirates ! Since the 70s and maybe early in the USA a lot of people use these frequencies to make DX contacts ( long distance contacts ) together and exchange QSL cards. Many start with this are pass the exam to be ham radio operators and have more bands and be legal. I some place of the world to be a pirate on 27 MHz is very dangerous. In Europe and North America its not legal but if you don't make problems with neighbors, that it does not interfere with official installations there is often no problem even if this is prohibited and these operators risk fines. I do its in the 80s an 90s when i was in Paris and member of the famous Alfa Tango group. My TX was a President Jackson and my antenna was on the roof of a 6 level house. The vertical antenna 5/8 wave was good for DXing especially when solar activity is high. To help me i had an amplifier with valves who can send 100 or 200 "whiskies !" Because my coaxial cable was very long it's better to have more power. The best in to have a directive antenna but in Paris its hard to have this kind of antenna. I confirm by paper QSL cards more of 100 DXCC. A friend with same equipment confirmed 200 DXCC and its not rare some pirate confirmed 250 or 300 DXCC. If you are not in a big city and have a garden you can make you own antenna with electrician cable. Inverted V dipole antena ( half wave i only .50 meter long ), Bazooka with coaxial cable, etc. For the TX a old CB radio with more of 40 channel and who can work in SSB can be found for only 80 US Dollars. You need to have old car batteries to have energies for the TX ( 12 volts) So if you just buy some coaxial cable, electrician wire, isolators for only 130 US $ you can try to work your first DX or be catch bey FCC if you are in USA!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont know the the amount of the fine...

In general these pirates make short contact, its look like Ham radio QSO. Many don't speak good English and know only few things like my name is Frank, my QTH is Paris, etc. 

They have Post office box or give address of the DX group. Now in 2024 they exchange E-QSL card via internet. So they just give a special email addresses.  The QSO dont talk of politics etc. They love DX and dont try to make problems. Some use amateur radio equipment and big 1 KW amplifiers. They also use mono band antenna for 11 meter. As a SWL you can listen 27555 kHz in USB this is the calling frequencies and if you listen a QSO you can send a reception report. Just explain you was a SWL. Give the " call sign " of the 2 operators in QSO together. A " green stamp" will be welcome !!! 

The " call sign " are like 14 for France, 2 for USA, etc


They are contest, DX expeditions, awards etc.

So good listening of DX...

11 meter QSL card for NEPAL with ALFA TANO

Example of TX used by pirates on 11 meter

A special event station for the first contact over a big city in PARIS 1898 from the Eiffel Tower

QSL card on HamSphere 4.0 the virtual HAM radio via internet.


QSO on HamSphere 4.0

Mono band YAGI antenna for 11 meter ( homebrew )

Example of half wave dipole antenna ( 2,75 meter each side )

Only 90 Euros (99 US Dollars)

Contact on 27 MHz between Indonesia and England

Kate in England who have a nice collection of old CB radios 27 MHZ contact an operator in Qatar !!!!!

Nice small President Jackson for DXing (i have contact 100 DXCC with a Jackson)

Nice QSL cards collection for QSO on 11 meter pirate !

GOOD DX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!