Hello I am Frank SWL F14368 / FØDUW near Paris France.
I have decided to organize a new SWL contest in 2025.
IMPORTANT you must register to participate in this contest, send me a mail to swlcontest@gmx.fr
or via my FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009933974595
Le reglement de ce concours en Français
TRANSLATE in your language
This SSB contest is open to SWL and amateur radio operators.
SSB = Single sideband mode (USB & LSB)
This SSB contest start 01March 2025 and finish 31 October 2025
Only phone mode SSB(Amateur radio operators talk together with voice (phone), no F4, FT8 please)
Beginners are welcome. This is an SWL contest, but also amateur radio operators or DX'ERS on 11 meter are welcome. If you are a HAM and make QSO you can participate but enter your contacts as an SWL.
The goal will be to listen a maximum of DXCC entities in eight months (8 months) but only in SSB mode (single sideband USB or LSB or Phone)
If very easy, when you have listened a DXCC like France between 10 and 40 meter its FINISH, you have confirmed FRANCE DXCC now try to listen a new DXCC !!! The band is not important, the goal is to listen the DXCC.
Bands in SSB mode
10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 40 meter.
28, 24, 21, 18, 14 and 7 MHz
Why 8 months ?
Because from March 2025 to October 2025 they are the biggest amateur radio contests organized by amateur radio clubs and organizations.
ARRL SSB contest
Field day ARRL
IARU HF world championship
IOTA contest
10-10-INT summer contest SSB
All Asian contest phone
IARU Field day SSB
WAE DX contest ( working all Europe )
Oceania DX contest SSB
And the biggest one is the CQ WW DX contest SSB
In fact every weekend Saturday and Sunday they are SSB contests
They are also DX expeditions on rare DXCC entities
On my Facebook group, i will give info about DX expedition and contest during our SSB contest 2025
All these HAM radio contests are in SSB mode.
In the world they are around 200 countries but for amateur radio they are 340 DXCC entities.
Example Corsica island is not a country (its France) but for amateur radio it's a DXCC entities.
TK is the prefix. I will give you many links to important information like DXCC list, etc.
Do I need to be registered to work this SSB contest ? YES you must contact me by this e-mail address
Give your name please, email address, call sign, SWL call if you have one.
You can also send me a private message on Facebook
Questions and Answersd
I am an amateur radio opérator who i can work this contest ?
Answer: the SWL just need to listen DXCC entities, you need to make contacts with maximum of DXCC entities ans send you log like the SWL's. Theye is a categorie for amateur radio opérators because its not easy like to be a SWL !
Do you have sponsors for this SSB SWL contest ? YES I will try to find few gifts !!! All participants will receive an AWARD by mail.
If I have sponsor, the problem is many sponsors cant sent to all the countries in the world because the price of shipping is really expensive.
I am beginner and I never listen to amateur radio bands in Phone SSB, do you think it's really difficult to do it ? My answer NO is not difficult. I will explain you all this and give sympathetic links.
I am a DX'er on 11 meter, i have a CB antenna. can i listen from 10 to 40 meter with my antenna ?
My answer YES it will be easy to listen from 10 to 20 meter with you CB radio antenna. if you would like a better antenna for 20 and 40 meter make a long wire antenna with 20 meters of electician wire.
Can I start the contest for example only in July 2025 ?
YES you can start the SSB contest when you like. But to listen a maximum of DXCC entities it's better to start early !!! Also remember to send me when you will start to work this contest a message because you must register to participate in this contest. Thank you.
I don't have an SSB radio receiver, my radio receiver can only listen to AM, can i use a WEB or KIWI SDR on my computer or smartphone ? YES you can use a Kiwi or Wen SDR, but you must use the same SDR during all the SSB contest. My English is not good do you think I can work this SSB contest ? Me to i am French and my English is not so good !!!
YES amateur radio in contest make very short contacts and use international alphabet. Example FØDUW foxtrot zero delta uniform whisky de WA1NB wisky alfa one november bravo you are 5/9 five nine (so you just need to learn international alphabet but I will give you a link to learn this and to know how to count from 1 to 9 in English language) There is a categorie in this contest for SWL who will use a kiwi or web SDR.
Can I listen during the week ? YES everyday they are amateur radio who work DX or local contest in SSB. You listen when you have time.
I have a radio receiver with SSB mode but to listen amateur radio bands 10 to 40 meter what is the best antenna ?
My answer: if you have only a cheap price radio receiver maybe only a wire of 5 or 10 meter long will be OK. In English 16 feet or 32 feet will be OK. Its better if you antenna is outside. You can also use active loop antenna. For listener who have very nice receivers like ICOM, YAESU etc they can have long wire. Its the same for listeners who use SDR on a computer.
OK if you have more question please contact me.
Now the Log:
Please send your log at the end of the SSB contest 2025 (send before the 10 November 2025 please)
Give me your name ( I will keep for me but in need to make your awards), your e-mail address. You call sign if you are an amateur radio operator or SWL call if you have one. If you are a SWL with not call just give me your name please.
Do you use a real radio receiver or a Web or Kiwi SDR. If you use a kiwi or web SDR give my the address of this SDR like http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ You can listen via a Web or Kiwi SDR in Europe even you are in ASIA. Remember always use the SAME SDR !
For SWL and amateur radio who use real radios TX RX please tell me what is your equipment please.
They are 2 categories for SWL with real receiver and antenna ( also for amateur radio operators who will make real radio contacts ) and the second categorie is listeners with a Kiwi or WEB SDR.
Best gifts will be for people who use real radios and antennas.
Remember shipping price are very expensive so the sponsors cant send to every place in the world.
I can give some personal gifts only for France because poste office is very expensive ( near 40 US Dollars outside europe for 0 to 500 grammes )
Exemple of LOG:
Date example 8 March
10:00 UTC
Frequencie 28470 SSB
Call sign (QRZ) of the DX station RA3GBV
Call sign of the station in QSO with RA3GBV is ON1MA
(When you send a QSL card to an amateur radio operator as a SWL you must give the call sign of the station who was in QSO with this operator) You don't need to send QSL or receive QSL card for this SSB contest.
Name of DXCC is European Russia
(look on QRZ.COM https://www.qrz.com/db/ RA3GBV)
R/S you listen RA3GBV example 5/9 (radio five / signal nine)
Please when you will send me your list (log) at the end of the contest make your list by alphabetical order. Its very important for me to see if you dont log the same DXCC entitie two times. Use English names for DXCC please. Thank you.
Tell me how many DXCC entities you have listen.
You can send your log in PDF, Exel or like a normal message.
Please make a declaration on your honor that you have respected the rules of this competition and have not cheated.
Send your log before the 10 November 2025 please. Thank you.
Please send your log to swlcontest@gmx.fr
Thank you de Frank SWL F14368 / FØDUW near Paris France Europe.
DXCC list
Dates of amateur radio contest and rules
WEB cluster
Propagation on HAM bands
What is Split Operation in Ham Radio?
FACEBOOK group for SWL of SSB mode
UTC time
How to use a Kiwi or WEB SDR
International alphabet used by amateur radio operators
DX expeditions news and dates
R-S-T system (R/S)
Understanding Single Sideband (SSB)
- SW external antenna jack.With this receiver you can plug a long wire to listen SW bands.
Escuchando La Radio
Thank you to Hugo DX Hoekje
Merci a GABY F5PSI et son bulletin DX
Pour recevoir ses infos DX contactez le grace a cette adresse mail f5psi@wanadoo.fr.
SPONSORS of the SSB SWL Contest 2025
The specialist in radio receivers for SWL at low prices but of good quality
Electronic Audio Equipment Communication Devices Portable Devices Emergency Devices Home Appliances Multi-Functional Devic
Klingenfuss Publications
Hagenloher Str. 14
72070 Tuebingen
E-Mail info@klingenfuss.org
Phone +49 7071 62830
Fax +49 7071 600849
Internet http://www.klingenfuss.org
on CD
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Thank you to Quansheng Electronics Co., Ltd.
DXer.ca website in CANADA (sponsor for USA and CANADA)
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Thank you Gene Stevens
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