SWL F-14368 Frank

I am SWL 14368 Frank also FØDUW near Paris FRANCE. This blog if for my listening of AM radio on SW and MW, amateur radio bands and 11 meter in SSB mode. I write few articles for SWL of AM radios ( equipment, etc ) This is my blog number 3. The SSB SWL contest 2025 start the 01 March and finich in October 2025. Thank you. 73 and good DX

lundi 10 mars 2025

SWL contest 2025 results

 Thanks to the 35 SWL from 18 countries who participated in the SWL contest 2025 which consisted of listening to the maximum of radio stations and transmitters in SW and medium wave. Thanks to XHDATA radios and Klingenfuss publications who sent me something to listen to and identify many radio stations. I am also organizing a new contest which consists of listening to radio amateurs in SSB mode. See the results at the end. Organizing a contest is not easy and despite all the time I spent talking about the SWL contest 2025 whose rules have been read nearly 4000 times there are only 34 participations. Thanks to all those who talked about this contest.


Categorie MW and SW

1) Roberto de Italia 200 MW and 258 SW

2) Roberto Italia 216 MW and 123 SW

3) Nektarios Greece 106 MW and 210 SW

4) Manuel Mexico 120 MW and 144 SW

5) Pradip India 137 MW and 114 SW

6) Ranjit Nepal 47 MW and 142 SW

7) Santo Italia 44 MW and 102 SW

8) Sanil India 70 MW and 63 SW

9) Gene USA 54 MW and 58 SW

10) Adrian Malta 8 MW and 95 SW

11) Franck France (not me ) 14 MW and 53 SW

12) David Poland 16 MW and 35 SW

13) Pavel Czech 34 MW and 1 SW (web SDR)

14) Reinher Germany 2 MW and 22 SW

15) Chris Germany 3 MW and 7 SW

Catégorie Medium wave

1) Allen Canada VO1001SWL 409 MW !!!

2) Peter Netherlands 258 MW from 43 ITU !

3) Patrick Austria 252 MW

4) Angelo Canada 125 MW

5) Stephano Italia 111 MW

6) Shinya Japan 70 MW

7) Jacub Czech 62 MW

8) Raoul Netherlands 13 MW

Catégorie Shortwave

1) Hallvard Norway 247 SW (web SDR)

2) Travis USA 184 SW

3) Frank France 167 SW (web SDR)

4) Beran Czech 105 SW

5) Sekar India 100 SW

6) Michael USA 35 SW

7) Jose India 63 SW

7 BIS) Anatoly Russia

8) Klaus Germany 59 SW

9) Koray Turkey 38 SW

10) Richard USA 35 SW

11) Reinhard Germany 20 SW

Sorry i forget SWL Anatoly ! So Russia was also in this contest. 

Thank you Anatoly and sorry for my mistake.


I organize a new contest for 2025, start 01 March 2025 and finish 31 October 2025

The name of this contest is SSB SWL Contest 2025

The goal is to listen amateur radio bands from 10 meter (28 MHz) to 40 meter (7 MHz) in SSB mode phone (USB and LSB)

Listen maximum of DXCC entities in 8 months.

This contest is also open to amateur radio operators (see the rules)

We have few sponsors!

Rules of this contest:


Facebook page for this SSB contest


I would like to say thank you to XHDATA radios who are our sponsor since 2023


Thank you also to our loyal sponsor from Germany 

Klingenfuss Radio Monitoring Publications

2025 Super Frequency List
on CD

Worldwide HF Communication Today

The only CD that includes all shortwave broadcast stations worldwide
PLUS all professional utility radio stations from 0 to 30 MHz -
PLUS more than nine hundred brandnew digital data decoder screenshots
PLUS Bedienungs-Oberfläche auch in Deutsch!

Thank you and good DX 

Frank SWL F14368/FØDUW

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